Posted by angellaricot on August 28, 2022 in Uncategorized

It's a full moon over the horizon, the Party 
is losing control, proles are out running  
loose sipping lattes in hippie cafes and 
lounging by the Pacific Ocean with their 
gadgets running their own shows.

A kick from a strange virus was just the 
catalyst for the proles to disrupt the system, 
an awakening moment that shook the nations 
and called every citizen to reclaim control 
of their minds. And once woke, there's no 
turning back.

Wonder what the dinosaurs inside the Party 
will do next, plotting a return of the Dark Age? 
While the new age dissenters busy themselves 
rewriting history and independently redefining 
the work model meanwhile thriving for progress 
and ultimately cutting ties with Big Brother? 

From the Collection of Ink Noir 

Copyright © Angella Ricot

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